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Suunto Tandem 360PC/360R

Suunto Tandem 360PC/360R
Suunto Tandem 360PC/360R
  • Stock: In Stock
  • Brand: SUUNTO
  • Model: Suunto Tandem 360PC/360R
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Suunto Tandem 360PC/360R
Compass & Clinometer

Suunto Tandem 360PC/360R

Suunto Tandem is a liquid-filled precision compass and clinometer in one compact anodized alloy housing. This instrument is an excellent tool for satellite/antenna installers, surveyors, engineers, cartographers, geologists, miners, architects and for anyone who needs to be able to measure directional indications, heights, vertical angles and slopes - with speed and accuracy.

Suunto Tandem is an invaluable aid in surveying and can also be used in mines, quarries and tunnels where inclines have to be measured with great accuracy. When surveying and constructing the Tandem is especially handy when there are obstacles or depressions in the line of vision. In addition, the Tandem assists in establishing GPS communication and installation and positioning of satellite antenna. It helps in establishing the right direction, the correct angle and that the location is free from obstacles.

Suunto Tandem features a lanyard, and a convenient carrying pouch with a belt loop. You can change the Tandem from compass to clinometer with a turn of your wrist.

Five Geographical Balancing Zones

The vertical intensity and direction of the earth's magnetic field, the inclination, influences the horizontal plane of a compass needle according to the latitude where it is used. Due to inclination, compasses must be balanced for different geographical zones in order to keep the needle in a horizontal position.

Suunto precision instruments are balanced to five different geographic balancing zones to ensure the best possible performance in each region. The demand for high accuracy and reliability from the professionals using these instruments requires geographic localization of the compass.

Spesifikasi - Suunto Tandem 360PC/360R
  • High accuracy - precise readings in seconds
  • Durable aluminum housing - protects against impact, corrosion and water
  • Edges at 90 degrees angles for contact measuring
  • In-built spirit level
  • Individually calibrated
  • Optical adjustment for reading
  • Lanyard
  • Nylon pouch with belt-loop
  • Same quality capsules as in the regular PMs and KBs (see PM-5 and KB-14 for details)
  • Available for 5 geographic balancing zones
  • 2-year warranty
  • Dimensions: 120 x 76 x 15 mm
  • Weight: 175 g / 6.2 oz
What's in the Box:
  • Suunto Tandem 360PC/360R
  • Softcase
  • Tali pengikat


Jual Suunto Tandem 360PC/360R dan lengkapi peralatan pengukuran, penelitian atau pekerjaan survey anda dengan Suunto Compass & Clinometer, Harga kompetitif Tentunya Gratis antar untuk Area Jakarta dan dapat dikirim keseluruh Indonesia, Jika membutuhkan penawaran harga hubungi sales kami Email atau Hubungi 0812-96566699


Altimeter adalah sebuah alat untuk mengukur ketinggian suatu titik dari permukaan laut. Biasanya alat ini digunakan untuk keperluan navigasi dalam penerbangan, pendakian, dan kegiatan yang berhubungan dengan ketinggian. Altimeter bekerja dengan beberapa prinsip (Tekanan udara yang paling umum digunakan, Mangnet bumi dengan sudut inclinasi, Gelombang ultra sonic maupun infra merah, dan lainnya, Penggunaan Altimeter umumnya selalu diikuti dengan penggunaan kompas.

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